Do You Need To Have An Abdominoplasty? A lot of people want to look beautiful and have an attractive body. This is clearly evident in the various diet programs that are being introduced quite often. Exercise regimens have also been tailored to those living a busy life. But there are just times when no matter how hard you work out, getting rid of your excess fat seems impossible. Abdominoplasty is the answer to this problem. Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as tummy tuck, is considered to be among the most popular cosmetic surgeries. Basically, the procedure removes extra fat and skin from the stomach, causing it to tighten. The surgery also aims to patch muscles and abdominal skin that have loosened as a result of either pregnancy or losing a great amount of weight. It results to a smoother and tighter abdomen. Abdominoplasty can be possible performed together with other procedures for a total makeover process. Standard, mini and extended are the types of abdominoplasty that can be performed.
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Mini abdominoplasty, which is also referred to as mini tummy tuck, is called so because the incision is smaller. In this procedure, just a little amount of skin is taken. Mini abdominoplasty is a great choice for people who need to eliminate only a little amount of fat. During this procedure, a mini incision will be made on the lower part of the abdomen, after which a minimal part of the skin will be removed. The remaining skin is pulled then closed after the muscles have been tightened. The belly button is not repositioned in this procedure. Those who have a huge amount of excess abdominal skin will benefit greatly from the standard abdominoplasty. The procedure, however, should only be considered as the last choice and only if exercise and several diet programs have not worked. A cut is made from the hip bone toward the other one then liposuction can be performed. An extended abdominoplasty is intended for people with excessive fat and skin from their abdomen to the hips, sides and lower back. The incision for an extended abdominoplasty starts at the abdomen and reaches down to the lower back including the hips. Compared to standard abdominoplasty in which liposuction can be done or not, extended tummy tuck really needs to use liposuction. The procedure offers a lot of benefits, including improvement of the abdominal muscles, improvement in posture, avoidance of ventral hernia and reducing the risk of urinary incontinence. However, there are some things you have to be aware about this procedure. An abdominoplasty isn’t a substitute for the proper weight loss regimen. Although technically speaking the results of an abdominoplasty are permanent, substantial fluctuations in weight can affect it. A Manhattan plastic surgeon, or any registered plastic surgeon, can answer your questions about abdominoplasty as soon as you book an appointment.